Young Researchers’ and Education Committee
Missions and Objectives
The Young Researchers’ and Education Committee (YREC) has four major aims: i) to encourage the professional development of young researchers, ii) to promote their participation in the scientific community and their visibility, iii) to channel their own initiatives and iv) to organize activities devoted to them, useful for their training and their future as independent scientists.
In its Education mission, the YREC channels all the information relative to Education in Neuroscience that can be useful for both teachers and students. The Committee encourages the participation of all SENC members in these goals, providing information, orientation, offering common activities, and actively collaborating in their development.
To drive the Mentor Programme for young SENC researchers, coordinating and organizing both on-site activities (e.g. in the Biannual SENC Meetings) and on-line get-together events.
To coordinate and select the recipients of the Tatiana Foundation Young Investigator Award and organize the “Tatiana Foundation Symposium” at the Biannual SENC Meetings.
To coordinate and select the recipients of the Excellent Student Rita Levi Montalcini Award devoted to PhD students, and organize the “Rita Levi Montalcini Symposium” at the Biannual SENC Meetings.
To evaluate and select the recipients of Travel Grants (for SENC in Spain, FENS in Europe and SFN in the US, among others).
To broadcast activities, conferences, awards, grants, employment offers, etc., which might be of interest to young SENC members, which can be followed on Twitter: @JovInvest_SENC.
To inform, orient and advise about opportunities for Education in Neuroscience:
- Master courses and PhD programs in Neuroscience (in Spain and abroad).
- Classes about Neuroscience in Undergraduate programs.
- Education courses (both, for teachers and students).
To promote other specific activities useful for the professional development, training, and promotion of young neuroscientists.
Contact Committee of Young Researchers (CJI)
For issues related to the Mentoring Program:
For issues related to the Broadcasting and Education Counseling, or general inquiries to the committee:
Current Young Researchers’ Committee (YRC)

Lydia Jiménez
Head – Member of SENC board
Education Counseling Team
Professor of Physiology
University of Castilla La Mancha

Carlos Matute
SENC President-Elect
Education Counseling Team
Full Professor of Anatomy and Embriology University of Basque Country

Manuel Valero
Tatiana Foundation Award 2023
Mentoring Team
Neuron Computing Laboratory
Hospital del Mar, Barcelona

Patricia González
Broadcast Team
Principal Investigator
Department of Medical Physiology and Biophysics
Institute of Biomedicine of Seville (IBiS)

Soraya Martín Suárez
Mentoring Team
Researcher Ramón y Cajal
Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience

Sara Mederos
Mentoring Team
Postdoctoral researcher
Sainsbury Wellcome Center for Neural Circuits and Behavior
University College London
London, United Kingdom.

Paula Rodríguez
Broadcast Team
Postdoctoral researcher.
Zuckerman Institute, Columbia University

Irene Serra Hueto
Mentoring Team
Predoctoral researcher.
Instituto Cajal, CSIC.
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