Tenemos el placer de hacerles llegar información del siguiente capítulo del club de lectura sobre el libro Brains Though Time.

We are pleased to announce the date for the fifth session of Brains Through Time Reading Club ! It will take place on June 15th at 18h CET/12h EDT, on the fifth chapter entitled The Conquest of Land: Origins of Amniotes and the Age of Reptiles.

For this session, we count with Dr. Maria Tosches and Dr. Loreta Medina as invited panelists together with Dr. Paul Cisek and Dr. Luis Puelles. 

We will dedicate 15 minutes to a summary of the 5th chapter, followed by short talks by the panelists. Then we will proceed to discuss with the panelists and the audience the most interesting issues that arise from different exciting topics in the chapter.
In case you missed previous sessions, you can watch them here.

You can register here and save your date for June 15th!